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Hi there

I am Asif, and you are currently viewing my website. I currently reside near Paris, France, though I originally hail from the place often referred to as 'paradise on earth', Kashmir.


Agar firdous baroye zameen ast, hami asto, hami asto hami asto” 

(If there is paradise on earth, It is here, it is here, it is here)

Amir-e-Khusru Dehluvi  on the beauty of Kashmir


My main research interests center around both the late-universe (Galaxy Clusters) as well as the early-universe (CMB). In particular, I have broadly focused on two fundamental questions:

I.  How matter in the observable universe was not created during the Big Bang, but later during cosmic inflation. Here, I examine the evolution of different cosmological models from the early universe using CMB data.

II. How the large-scale structure of the universe evolves to form galaxy clusters, which are not only the youngest but also the largest structures in the universe, using multi-wavelength data.

My research involves developing accurate and robust numerical methods, deep learning models as well as analyzing observational astrophysical/cosmological data in X-ray, SZ, radio, and CMB. Additionally, I have experience in gravitational lensing modeling using optical data.

Additionally, I have recently started working with biometric datasets, developing and applying advanced machine techniques for analyzing physiological signals such as EEG and ECG, as well as studying the effects of physical activity on glucose levels in individuals with Type 1 Diabetes. These efforts aim to improve understanding and prediction of glycemic variations, contributing to fields like neuroscience, healthcare etc.

My published research

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