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Journal Publications
Academic Publications 


1. Joint Planck and WMAP Assessment of Low CMB Multipoles

Asif Iqbal, Jayanti Prasad, Tarun Souradeep, Manzoor A. Malik

JCAP 06 (2015) 014



2. Little evidence for entropy and energy excess beyond r500-An end to ICM preheating?

Asif Iqbal, Subhabrata Majumdar, Biman B. Nath, Stefano Ettori, Dominique Eckert, Manzoor A. Malik

MNRAS Lett. 465 (2017) L99



3. Low-â„“ power suppression in punctuated inflation

Mussadiq H. Qureshi, Asif Iqbal, Manzoor A. Malik, Tarun Souradeep

JCAP 04 (2017) 013


4. Entropy excess and feedback energy beyond cluster cores

Asif Iqbal, Subhabrata Majumdar, Biman B. Nath, Stefano Ettori, Dominique Eckert, Manzoor A. Malik

MNRAS, 472 (2017) 713



5. AGN feedback with the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and implications for cluster physics and cosmology

Asif Iqbal, Biman B. Nath, Subhabrata Majumdar, Prateek Sharma, Ruta Kale, Mahadev Pandge, Somak Raychaudhury, Manzoor A. Malik

J. Astrophys. Astr. 38 (2017) 68



6. Correlations of the feedback energy and BCG radio luminosity in galaxy clusters
Asif Iqbal, Ruta Kale, Biman B. Nath, Subhabrata Majumdar

MNRAS Lett. 480 (2018) L68



7. Confronting phantom inflation with Planck data
Asif Iqbal, Manzoor A. Malik, Mussadiq H. Qureshi

Astrophys. Space Sci. 363 (2018) 222



8. Complex Geometry of Space-time Motivated by Gravity’s Rainbow
Faizan Bhat, Mussadiq H. Qureshi, Manzoor A. Malik, Asif Iqbal

CJP 97 (2019) 558


9. A rare case of FR I interaction with the hot X-ray bridge in A2384 galaxy cluster
V. Parekh, T. F. Lagana, K. Thorat, K. van der Heyden, Asif Iqbal, F. Durret  MNRAS,  491 (2020) 2605



10. The Cluster HEritage project with XMM-Newton: Mass Assembly and Thermodynamics at the Endpoint of Structure Formation. I. Programme overview} \newline
The CHEX-MATE Collaboration,  Arnaud, M. , Ettori, S,  Pratt, G. W, ...,A. Iqbal et al.

A&A, 650 (2021) A104


11. Heating of the intracluster medium by buoyant bubbles and sound waves
Asif Iqbal, Subhabrata Majumdar, Biman B. Nath, Suparna Roychowdhury

MNRAS, 518 (2023) 2735



12. Exploring diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters and groups with the uGMRT and the SKA
S. Paul, R. Kale, ..., A. Iqbal et al.

J. Astrophys. Astr, 44 (2023) 38


13. CHEX-MATE: constraining the origin of the scatter in galaxy cluster radial X-ray surface brightness profiles
I. Bartalucci, S. Molendi, ..., A. Iqbal et al.,

 A&A  674 (2023) A179



14. CHEX-MATE: A non-parametric deep learning technique for the deconvolution of galaxy cluster X-ray temperature profiles
Asif Iqbal
 , G. W Pratt, J. Bobin, M. Arnaud, E. Rasia et al.

A&A 679 (2023) A51



15. CHEX-MATE: A Multi-Probe Analysis of the 3-D Gas Shapes
J. Kim, J. Sayers, M. Sereno, ...,A. Iqbal et al.

Submitted to A&A



16. The Evolution of X-ray galaxy Cluster Properties in a Representative Sample (EXCPRES) of luminosity-selected objects observed by XMM-Newton
C. Hubret    M. Arnaud,  E. Pointecouteau , G. W. Pratt, A. Iqbal.

Submitted to A&A 



17. CHEX-MATE: A LOFAR pilot X-ray -- radio study on five radio halo clusters} \newline
  M. Balboni,  F. Gastaldello, A. Bonafede, ..., A. Iqbal et al.

Accepted in A&A


18. CHEX-MATE: Robust reconstruction of temperature profiles in galaxy clusters with XMM-Newton
  M. Rossetti, D. Eckert, F. Gastaldello, E. Rasia, G.W. Pratt, ...,A. Iqbal et al.

Accepted in A&A

1.  Machine learning with artificial neural networking

 (M.Sc. project)


2.  Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect as a Probe of Large Scale Structure of universe

(M.Phil dissertation)


3. Astrophysics and Cosmology with Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in Galaxies, Groups and Cluster of Galaxies

(Ph.D. thesis)


1. Advanced statistical techniques in astronomy, 2010, IUCAA

2. Winter school on astronomical and cosmological surveys, 2012, TIFR, India

3. One week short-term course on research methodology in science (using statistical soft-
wares), 2012, University of Kashmir, India


4. 2nd IUCAA X-ray Astronomy School, 2013, IUCAA, India, contributed talk

5. Present observational constraints on the cosmological parameters, 2013, Delhi University, India

6.  Frontiers in accelerator-based physics, 2014, University of Kashmir, India

7.  Joint IUCAA-ISI workshop on data analysis on statistical applications to cosmology and
astrophysics, 2015, ISI, India


8. 11th J&K Science Congress, 2015, University of Kashmir, India, contributed talk

9. 34th meeting of the Astronomical Society of India, 2016, Kashmir University, Kashmir,
Hazratbal, India, contributed talk


10 Summer School on cosmology, 2016, ICTP, Italy, poster presentation

11. The International School for Young Astronomers (ISYA-IAU), IPM, Iran 2016, contributed talk

12. Entropy excess and energy deposition profile in galaxy clusters, University of Kashmir,
India 2016, seminar


13.  Joint WMAP and Planck assessment of low CMB multipoles, University of Kashmir, India
2016, seminar


14. Little evidence for entropy and energy excess beyond r200, NCRA, India 2016, seminar

15.  Workshop on data analysis and LAXPC science, 2017, TIFR, India,

16.  Data-intensive science workshop, 2017, IUCAA, India

17. Chandra/CIAO workshop, 2017, NCRA, India

18.  An end to ICM pre-heating?, RRI, India 2017, seminar

19.  Neighborhood Astronomy meeting, IIA, India 2018, contributed talk

20.  Cosmology - The Next Decade, ICTS, India 2019, contributed talk

21 Novel Methods in Computing and Statistics for X-ray Astronomy, USA 2021, contributed talk 

22 Athena School, France, 2022


23 Weighing galaxy clusters with deep learning technique, 300 simulations workshop, Spain, 2024, contributed talk 

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